How To Maximize Portable Air Conditioner Cooling?

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21 Jul
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If you have a home or facility without central air, you’ll have to make the most out of portable air conditioner cooling. New technologies are making these appliances more performing than ever, but there are a few additional steps you can take to maximize cooling and reduce energy consumption.

Whether you need to stay cool at home, want to maintain a comfortable temperature at work, or are planning an event with a portable air conditioner rental, these tips will help you get more out of your portable AC.

Size and Capacity Are Important

You’ll get better results if you use the right portable AC unit for your needs. The first thing you should check when comparing AC units is the capacity in BTUs. BTUs indicate how much energy an AC unit will use to remove heat from the air within an hour.

A unit with a higher BTU rating uses more energy and can remove more heat, which makes it ideal for a larger space. On average, you should count on using 20 BTUs for each square foot. You can find portable models with a capacity that ranges from 5,000 to 15,000 BTUs.

Getting more BTUs than you need isn’t a good strategy. You might think that a powerful unit will cool a room faster, but the truth is that a unit with a capacity that exceeds your needs will bring the temperature down fast without removing enough moisture from the air. You’ll end up in a cool and damp room that feels very uncomfortable.

Choosing the Right Type of Portable AC

Some features can help maximize cooling. It’s important to compare different features before buying a new portable AC or considering a portable air conditioner rental.

For instance, you can find units with one or two hoses. Single-hose portable AC units use the same hose for intake and exhaust, which means the appliance has to work harder. Dual-hose units can cost more, but they have separate hoses for air intake and exhaust, which makes them more efficient.

You should also consider using an evaporative AC or swamp cooler if you live in a dry area. These appliances draw hot air in and introduce moisture. As the moisture creates condensation, the water vapor helps remove heat from the air.

If you live in an extremely hot climate, a water-cooled AC unit can be a better option. Instead of drawing air from the outside, these appliances use condenser coils to chill water and bring down the room temperature. Not relying on outside air that is extremely warm makes these appliances more effective.

Lastly, you should know that window units tend to provide better cooling compared to portable AC units. If you can install a window unit in your home or place of business, it might be a better alternative to maximize cooling.

Proper Maintenance

Dust and dirt can accumulate inside your AC unit. Proper maintenance is crucial because dust will eventually clog your portable AC and significantly restrict airflow.

Maintenance is easy for a portable unit:

  • Keep the filters clean. Filters improve indoor air quality by catching impurities, but they can become dirty and clogged. If you use your AC a lot, clean the filters once every two weeks.
  • Empty and clean the internal tank where your AC unit stores water at least once a week.
  • Use a cloth to dust the AC unit once every three to four days. Keep the air vents clean to prevent dust from getting inside the appliance.

More Tips for Optimizing Cooling With a Portable AC Unit

How you install and use your portable AC can affect how well the appliance runs. There are a few things you can do to maximize cooling:

  • Set up your portable air conditioner rental in an open space. Walls and furniture can restrict airflow.
  • You might get better results if you place the AC unit in the corner of a room and angle it toward the center so it can cover as much space as possible.
  • If you’re cooling off a large room, try placing a fan in front of the AC unit. The fan will help propagate cool air throughout the room.
  • If possible, attach the window kit to a window that stays in the shade during the afternoon. Drawing outside air that is slightly cooler means your AC unit won’t have to work as hard.
  • Ensure good airflow by keeping the intake and exhaust hoses as straight as possible.
  • You can prevent cool air from getting out by using a window seal over the window kit.
  • Look for sources of heat around your home or place of business. Stovetops, electronics, and machinery can make it harder to cool a space. Use these appliances and machines only if you have to.
  • If you need to keep some heating sources on, don’t place the portable AC unit directly next to these electronics or appliances.
  • Poor insulation can make your energy bills go up. Replacing doors and windows will help you save, but you can take more simple steps such as using caulk, a door snake, or weather stripping.
  • Don’t wait until late in the day to turn on the AC unit. It’s easier to bring down the temperature of a room earlier in the day and maintain it with short bursts of cooling.

Maximize Cooling With Preferred Climate Solutions

From choosing the right unit to optimizing your setup, there are different steps you can take to maximize cooling and save on energy bills.

If you need a portable air conditioner rental, Preferred Climate Solutions offers reliable cooling options for events, warehouses, emergency cooling, and much more. We’ll help you choose the right portable unit and give you some tips for maximizing cooling.

Get in touch with us to learn more about our rentals! Make sure to stay cool during warm weather months.

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