The Top Things You Should Know About Spot Coolers

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17 Jun
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Spot coolers are a great way to cool off in the summer heat. They’re efficient, affordable and compact. In this article we will address some of the top things you should know about spot coolers.

How Spot Coolers Work

Spot coolers work by sucking in the air around them and sending it across a closed-loop coil which contains refrigerant. The coil not only cools the air but also reduces the humidity of it.

After the air passes over the coil, the supply vent pumps cold air back out into the room. Most spot coolers have adjustable vents so you can point the cold air wherever you need it. The cooler releases any excess heat up through a flexible tube usually connected to a ceiling vent or pointed out a window or door.

Condensation from the cooling and dehumidifying process collects in a container. When the container is full, the spot cooler automatically shuts off to allow you to empty the container of water. Once you return the empty container, you can restart the cooler cycle.

Spot coolers cool and dehumidify their immediate surroundings. So, they are a good option for rooms that require consistently low temperatures and humidity levels. Because they only cool a small area, spot coolers are ideal for cooling select locations such as server rooms without the inefficiency of using the central cooling system.

How to Install and Use a Spot Cooler

Spot coolers are easy to set up and use. Once you have one, either by purchasing or renting it through Preferred Climate Solutions, the next step is to take it to the location where you need it.

There is no installation involved with using a spot cooler, so your next step is to set up the exhaust vent and plug in the unit. Simply connect the exhaust tube to a ceiling vent, point it outside, or point it away from the area you want to cool if you are using it outside. Now all you have to do is plug it in and play, or in this case turn the unit on.

When you are finished using the spot cooler or the water tank gets full, make sure the unit is turned off. Remove the container and empty it outside or into a drain, then replace the container.

How to Maintain a Spot Cooler

Maintaining a spot cooler is easy. All you have to do is replace or wash the air filter regularly, and keep the unit clean.

How to Know What Size Spot Cooler You Need

Spot coolers come in a range of capacities. They are rated based on their BTU.

You might see spot coolers listed as being between 1 ton and 5 tons. They don’t weigh that much, though. The unit “ton” refers to the BTU, which is the heat load it is rated for.

A 1 ton spot cooler, or 12,000 BTU, will sufficiently cool up to two people in normal summer temperatures. If it is especially hot, upwards of 100 degrees, you will need a spot cooler with a higher BTU.

To make sure you get the right unit for your needs, make sure to have the following information ready when you go to get a unit:

  • A rough estimate of the amount of people that will be in the cooling zone.
  • The dimensions of the space you want to cool. These dimensions should include not only the square footage but also the ceiling height if there is one.
  • Whether you need a spot cooler for indoor or outdoor use.
  • What type of space are you looking to cool with a spot cooler. For example, is it an office space or a workshop?
  • What you will be cooling. Electronics have different cooling needs than people.

Being able to provide this information will help us determine what type of spot cooler you need. Contact us for a consultation if you are not sure what type of spot cooler is right for you.

How to Decide if a Spot Cooler Will Work For You

If you are considering different air conditioning options, you may be considering a spot cooler. Spot coolers are great for all kinds of applications. What sets them apart from other air conditioners is their efficiency and portability.

Spot coolers are effective air conditioners that don’t make as much noise or use as much power as central air conditioning. They can cool and dehumidify a small area quickly without affecting the rest of the space.

Whether you should choose a spot cooler for your cooling needs depends on a few factors:

First, do you have the right conditions for a spot cooler to work properly? Spot coolers work best when they have sufficient room around the unit to pull in air and have a good place to let out hot air from their exhaust tube. A spot cooler would not be a good choice for cooling an area if you want to hide the unit in a confined space.

Second, do you have a place for the exhaust to go? The unit needs to be able to let off hot air to run. You will need access to a window, door or vent through which the exhaust can go if you will be using the unit indoors. 

Third, is the environment you want to cool free of airborne debris? While spot coolers have filters, they will not be as efficient in, for example, a wood shop where there is a lot of saw dust in the air.

Now that you know the top things you should know about spot coolers, you’re ready to get cooling! We at Preferred Climate Solutions have over 17 years of experience serving the Houston, Dallas-Ft Worth and Austin areas and solving their climate control needs. If you are interested in renting a spot cooler or getting more information, contact us today.

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